7/31/2024 - 4:56AM


This game jam came up right as my vacation started, so I did not have nearly as much time as I would have liked on this project (total amount of work hours is probably like ~22hrs?). However, I got a lot done on this final day, and I am proud of my progress. I need to work more on my time management skills in the future (as well as art skills, cleaner code, etc... etc......)

Eldritch Espressos is a game based on the themes of shadows and alchemy. You run a coffee shop in the deep state, that has recently undergone budget cuts. The alchemy department has given you a new tool, allowing you to create ingredients by combining different elements. You must restructure your coffee shop, and keep it running for as long as you can before the government cuts it entirely. 

Eldritch Espressos is controlled entirely through the left mouse click. Click and drag on ingredients to swap their locations (moving to a match is not necessary), click on the arrow at the top or bottom of the screen to change views, and click on the orders in customer's speech bubbles to take their order. You can create a drink by navigating the tabs on the right side of the screen and selecting the correct drink, provided you have ingredients in your stock. 

The goal of Eldritch Espressos is to get the highest score you can before getting fired. Customers will become more demanding and require their order faster, and failing to provide them with it will result in a game over. Each day has a limited number of turns before moving on to the next day, and the game gets increasingly harder for each day the run goes on.

Enjoy Eldritch Espressos! If new updates come along, I will write patch notes in the form of a devlog. Feel free to comment your scores on the games Itch page. Have fun! :)


Eldritch Espressos.zip Play in browser
58 days ago

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